Day 4 – First contact with sugar team

After researching further into the development of Sugar we stumbled upon Sugar on a stick (SOAS), which offers “ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick)”. Therefore it seems fruitless to re-invent the wheel and so Karl and myself aim to use some of the resources such as the Fedora USB stick installer for our own distro in the future.

On Wednesday Karl and I spoke to the Sugar developers over at #Sugar (freenode) via IRC so that we could introduce ourselves and our project. After a lengthy discussion with the Sugar developers a project was suggested to us which followed a very similar goal – to produce a bootable USB Linux distribution that incorporates suitable Integrated Development Environments as well as other educational packages, which can be handed to the budding software developers of Lincoln’s University.

The idea behind the proposed project is to create a Fedora Spin (customised distribution) for use at the Professors Open Source Experience (POSSE) 2009 Conference.

POSSE 2009 – ‘Sponsored by Red Hat, the POSSE program is a week long boot camp that will immerse professors in open source projects. Participants will spend a week of intensive participation in selected open source projects, led by professors with experience in teaching open source development, in partnership with community members who have deep experience and insight.’

As you can see the POSSE program will require an open source platform and development environment which would be hopefully compiled by myself and Karl. In order to complete this we’d follow on from the Fedora Edu Spin which aims to ‘create a ready-to-go development environment for contributing to educational packages within the Fedora ecosystem‘.

Based upon the Fedora Edu Spin, Karl and i could possibly use a similar collection of development tools that would be more suitable for the student’s of Lincoln and thus create a tangible outcome for the end of the UROS project.